My professional journey is centered around the application of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) approaches to help individuals and families navigate the complexities of their emotional and behavioral well-being.This approach, along with my commitment to working closely with parents, is the foundation of my practice.


Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a highly effective and structured approach to psychotherapy, specifically adapted for children and adolescents. It is rooted in the fundamental understanding that thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected, influencing one another in a continuous cycle. CBT helps children identify and modify negative thought patterns and behaviors to improve their emotional well-being and overall functioning.

CBT Services for Children:

In my practice, I offer a range of CBT services tailored to the unique needs of each child:

Thought Monitoring and Restructuring: Guiding children to identify negative thoughts, challenge them, and develop more realistic and positive perspectives.

Emotion Regulation: Teaching emotional recognition, understanding, and regulation strategies to help children manage their emotions effectively.

Behavioral Interventions: Implementing behavior modification techniques and creating tailored behavioral plans to address specific challenges and promote positive behaviors.

Coping Skills Development: Equipping children with a toolbox of coping skills and strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and difficult situations.

Social Skills Training: Assisting children in developing essential social skills, such as communication, empathy, and conflict resolution, to enhance their interpersonal interactions.

CBT for children is a collaborative and empowering journey, guiding them towards improved emotional resilience, enhanced problem-solving abilities, and a more positive outlook on life.


When a child is facing mental health challenges, involving parents in the therapeutic process is paramount for several reasons:

Holistic Understanding: Parents possess a unique and comprehensive understanding of their child. Their insights into the child's behavior, emotions, and life circumstances are invaluable for tailoring effective interventions.

Consistent Support: Parents play a continuous role in a child's life, offering ongoing emotional, practical, and financial support. Collaborating with parents ensures that therapeutic efforts extend beyond the therapy sessions, providing a consistent support system for the child.

Reinforcing Therapeutic Goals: When parents are aligned with therapeutic goals and strategies, they can actively reinforce and encourage the child to apply what they've learned in therapy to their daily life.

Skill Reinforcement: Parents can facilitate the practice and reinforcement of coping skills and techniques learned during therapy within the home environment, promoting long-term effectiveness.

Creating a Safe Environment: Working with parents allows for the creation of a safe and supportive home environment that complements the therapeutic process, encouraging the child's emotional growth and healing.

Enhanced Communication: Collaboration fosters open and effective communication between the therapist, parents, and the child. This ensures a unified approach and allows for addressing any concerns promptly.

Educational Opportunities: Involving parents provides an opportunity to educate them about mental health, enabling a deeper understanding of their child's challenges and fostering empathy and informed decision-making.


Solution-Oriented Therapy, also known as Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), is a goal-focused and future-oriented therapeutic approach. It acknowledges that individuals possess the strengths and resources necessary to construct solutions to their challenges. This approach emphasizes identifying and enhancing these existing capabilities to achieve desired outcomes.

Solution-Oriented Therapy Services for Children:

In my practice, I provide a range of Solution-Oriented Therapy services designed to empower children and adolescents:

Goal Setting: Collaboratively establishing achievable short-term and long-term goals, encouraging the child to envision a positive future.

Strengths Exploration: Identifying and appreciating the child's existing strengths and resources, amplifying their confidence and self-awareness.

Solution Building: Guiding the child to generate potential solutions to their challenges and assisting in selecting the most viable and empowering ones.

Empowerment Strategies: Teaching techniques to enhance the child's sense of control, resilience, and self-efficacy, fostering a proactive and empowered mindset.

Progress Evaluation: Regularly reviewing and celebrating progress made towards achieving the established goals, reinforcing a sense of accomplishment and motivation.

Solution-Oriented Therapy empowers children by recognizing their potential, promoting proactive problem-solving, and focusing on achievable, positive outcomes. It's a dynamic and effective approach for young individuals seeking to navigate challenges and create a fulfilling future.